affordable pet care

Top 17 Affordable Pet Care Tips

The year 2020 can be described as anything but typical. Many things happened; chief among them, a global COVID-19 pandemic. The uncertainties, movement restrictions, and lockdowns that ensued were and still are quite challenging. Nevertheless, amidst the all-pervading, almost debilitating constraints, we found ourselves spending more time with our beloved pets and looking for affordable pet care tips.

For most pet owners, that furry little animal is as much a part of the family as everyone else. Indeed, pets are a truly essential part of the family for millions, probably billions of people worldwide.

Since our furry pals mean so much to us, here are tips that every pet parent can use to ensure the continued wellbeing of their cat, dog, or other easy pets to take care of.

Tips for Pet Healthy Living

primary pet care

Have a Strict Eye on Healthy Diet

What applies to your health applies to your pet too. Just as a nutritious diet is critical to a healthy body and mind for humans, our pets also require foods high in nutrition.

There are countless pet food options with variant ingredients such as veggies, fish, and chicken, among many others. How can a pet parent decide on the best feeding option for their little fuzzy buddy? By simply talking to a reputable veterinarian.

Your vet will offer excellent suggestions on how to take care of pets and what to feed them. They may even help create a personalized pet feeding plan based on the pet’s weight, age, and breed.


Being cooped up inside all day at home all day due to COVID-19 may drive us all a little stir-crazy. However, as a pet owner, taking your dog out for a walk may be the perfect distraction– while also giving your furry friend some exercises.

All pets, not just dogs, need to exercise regularly. Physical activities like walking or running keep the body fit and stimulate the pet’s mind. That mental stimulation and physical exercise keep away unhealthy weight gain and mental disorders in pets.

You don’t necessarily have to take your pet out for walks. Other budget pet care activities like simulated walks in the house or garden, playing fetch, or climbing stairs are equally beneficial.

Visit the Vet Regularly

We always take our pets to the vet when they are sick—that’s nice. However, it’s also imperative you take your lovely pet for a health check-up at least twice annually.

A routine physical examination of a pet’s ears, eyes, mouth, teeth, and coat by a trained vet may, for instance, uncover underlying asymptomatic health issues.

Vaccination is another health issue that no pet owner is allowed to miss. By having your pet fully vaccinated, you protect yourself, the pet, and your loved ones from a myriad of diseases, some highly contagious and deadly.

Keep Your Pet Parasite Free

Pets are often attacked by such pesky parasites as fleas, lice, and ticks, among many others. Some parasites may be internal, for instance, intestinal worms. A tell-tale sign of a parasite-ridden pet is constant scratching and an unhealthy coat.

Leverage the Tech

As our lives get more technologically advanced, we now have a chance to understand our pets better and, in so doing, give them healthier, happier lives.

For instance, pet wearables and activity trackers can help you and the veterinarian track a variety of crucial health metrics in your pet.

Dog owners can, for example, get an affordable pet care activity tracker that updates them via mobile on how active doggo is throughout the day. Such info could help detect illnesses quicker since decrease activity may point towards an ongoing disease, be it mental or physical.

Keep Your Pet Well-Groomed

A healthy coat keeps your pet’s skin free from parasites and infections. It also helps in body temperature regulation.Thus, regular baths are an essential requirement for your pet. Proper brushing is also important, especially for long-haired pets with thick coats.

Daily brushing will help dry pet hair and distribute the body’s natural oils throughout the coat, thereby preventing dry skin, potential infections, and keeping the coat fresh and shiny.

Tips On How To Take Care Of Pets’ Mental Wellbeing

How To Take Care Of Pets

Your cat, dog, parrot, or whatever other pet you have relies on you for everything. It’s not enough to just keep your pet safe and healthy—you need to make sure that they are happy as well.

Here are tips on how you can stay on top of your pets’ mental health issues to keep them happy and healthy.

Look Out for Signs of Stress

This year called for an adjustment in the way we live and do things. For one, most of us found ourselves spending more time indoors than we usually do. Our human companions were inevitably affected by these adjustments.

For instance, most pets tend to have long naps when their owners are out of their homes. However, staying at home means increased activity around the house. Hence your pet might not get as much sleep as they are used to. On top of being lethargic, you may find other behavioral changes in such a pet.

Depression and anxiety manifest differently in different pets. Some will lose their appetite, be unwilling to lay, have trouble sleeping, or appear listless. On the other hand, others might have difficulties settling down, show increased reactivity, and become more destructive.

Concerns about your pet’s behavior, stress, anxiety, depression, and general wellbeing are best discussed with an affordable pet care specialist or a veterinary behaviorist.

Reward Good Behavior

There probably isn’t another better way of building a loving, long-lasting relationship with your pet than through treats.

Treats keep your pet healthy, well-behaved, and highly motivated. You can, in fact, use them as positive reinforcement for good pet behavior.

How To Take Care Of Pets At Home While Working

How To Take Care Of Pets At Home

Many pet parents now have a new reality to adjust to—working from home. While it is exciting to be with your furry friend all day, you also need to be productive.

Here are tips on how you can have a pleasant and efficient workday while mindfully incorporating your four-legged buddy into your routine.

Schedule Quality Time

Having a well-laid out schedule will ensure the day goes smoothly for you and your pet.

At the start of each day, you could, for instance, play and feed your pet. As the day progresses, be sure to schedule regular breaks in your work for you to pay some attention to Fido, Fluffy, or whomever your pet is.

Have Adequate Indoor Games

Even though you might not get to spend every minute of your day with your pet beside you, there are plenty of ways to engage them physically and mentally as part of primary pet care.

You could, for instance, get treat dispensers or puzzle toys that keep your pet physically engaged even when you aren’t physically present to play with him/her.

Provide Enough Distraction for Work Calls and Meetings

You don’t want your pet interrupting important work calls or meetings. Therefore, you should anticipate your pet’s needs ahead of time and provide some distraction in advance.

You could hide treats in the house, creating some sort of scavenger hunt for your pet. Other ways of keeping your pet occupied through the day include food puzzles, automatic feeders, and long-lasting treats.

Stock Enough Pet Care Supplies

You don’t want to run out of pet food in the middle of the day– because then you would have to stop working to go out and get some.

A pet owner must thus stock up on enough food, pet grooming materials, medications, and all other essential, affordable pet care products that are specific to your pet.

Do Not Overfeed Your Pet

Being at home places you at risk of overeating—and overfeeding your pets alongside yourself.

One pet obesity prevention survey found that 56% of dogs and 60% of cats are obese. Pet obesity may precipitate many health problems in your pet. So, you need to check yourself not to overfeed your furry friend.

Bonus Pet Care Tips for The Holidays

pet care tips

As the year ends, it’s time for many celebratory festivities. So, here are some responsible pet care tips to keep your four-legged buddy healthy during the holiday season.

Put Pet Safety First

  • Have your pet’s collar on, with a tag in place and your updated contact info
  • Choose your holiday decorations cautiously to avoid toxic, poisonous, and/or choke hazards
  • If possible, opt for artificial candles to prevent fires when pets tip them over
  • Create a safe retreat for your pet to go to when they feel overwhelmed by visiting guests

Stick to Your Pet’s Regular Diet

In spite of how delicious your home-cooked meals are during the holidays, your pet is better off eating the usual pet food.

Some of the ingredients used when preparing human meals may sicken your pet. Hence it recommended that your refrain from offering your floppy-eared buddy food from your plate—no matter how sad and sweet their begging eyes get.

Supervise Your Pet Around Visitors

If you have guests, it is always wise to chaperon their time with your pet. Primary pet care requires that you check how strangers handle your pet, what they feed him/her, and those sorts of things.

Additionally, be mindful of the temperament of your pet towards your visitors—you don’t want a biting-related lawsuit on your hands now, do you?


pet health secrets

Pets love us unconditionally. These little buddies stick with us through thick and thin, come rain or shine. Shouldn’t we then repay that love by taking the utmost care of our little buddy’s health and wellness? I hope the affordable pet care tips and pet health secrets outlined here make you and your pet lives better.

Related: Top 20 Low Maintenance Pets for Kids & Adults

Stylist Mama

Stylist Mama



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