water heater repair

Water Heater Repair – An Ultimate Guide

How To Repair Water Heater

Are you having a tankless or a standard tank-style water heater? No matter the type of water heater you have, some issues do come up occasionally. You may have noted no hot water, unusual noises, smelly water, decolorized water, or Leaks. Not all of these problems require replacements. That is why we allow you to learn several ways of water heater repair.

Effective Measures Of Repairing Your Water Heater

Tankless Water Heater Repair

tankless water heater repair

There are several approaches to tankless water heater repair. Read on to check out how guide to repair water heater before thinking of replacing your system.

Below are common problems experienced and their remedies:

1. System Overload

Finding the best water heater repair to this problem can see you and your family continue enjoying a hot shower every morning. The leading cause of this problem is the use of multiple showers at the same time. You can address this issue by adding another unit or upgrading to a heater having a higher capacity.

2. Ignition Failure

another tankless water heater repair technique is crucial when it comes to ignition failure. First, check on the propane tank to ensure that you have enough gas. Also, check to see if the gas valve and water valves are fully opened.

If you have enough gas supply and have confirmed the valves are fully open but still experience the problem, you may need to contact your technical support.

3. Flame Failure

Just like ignition failure, first, confirm that you have enough gas supply. If this is not the problem, you might be having issues with combustion, too small gas line, failure of your regulator, or venting.

4. Exhaust Blockage

Check your vent pipes to see whether or not they are appropriately connected. Also, ensure any physical elements do not block them. To avoid blockage, install the water heater away from objects.

5. Mineral Build-up

Mineral build-up poses the most challenging problem. But worry not. Here is how to fix water heater in such a situation. Since pipe water contains calcium and magnesium, your mineral will build upon the wall of your heater. Use a water softener to counter this issue. Also, flush your water heater after every six months.

6. Cold Water Sandwich

This problem has nothing to do with technical hot water heater repair. The issue is usually experienced when taking back-to-back showers. Tankless water heaters heat the water slowly. To avoid this problem, take time to get into the shower after one has finished taking a shower.

Gas Water Heatr Repair

gas water heater repair

The main issue in the gas water heater is experienced at the pilot light and the thermocouple. However, there are some common problems that your heater might experience occasionally. If you use gas in your water heater system, you might find the gas water heater repair information below perfect for you.

Before that;

  • Turn off the gas supply by changing the gas pilot control valve setting to pilot
  • Turn off the water supply.
  • After ensuring that you have turned off the gas supply and the water supply, proceed to address the issue you are encountering.

The most common issues include the following:

1. No Hot Water

This is for sure a problem you will not want to encounter. But if you find yourself in this situation, first check on the pilot to ensure it is on. This is what allows the gas to be delivered to heat the water. If the pilot stops working you will have to replace it.

Then, check on the thermocouple. In most cases, the gas valves will stop working if the thermocouple is in bad condition. Always check on the normal functioning of the thermocouple before turning to the valves.

2. Water Not Hot Enough

In this scenario, you might have a hot water shower initially, which becomes cold within a short time. This could be due to a clogged flue or vent. This might even cause a further hazard in your house if not corrected. In case you encounter this problem, clear the vent immediately.

3. Water Too Hot

Hot water heater repair might seem unnecessary here. However, a second shower under too hot water might cause severe burns. The main issue surrounding too hot water is the thermostat settings. Ensure the temperature setting lies between 110 to 114 degrees Fahrenheit.

Some manufacturers, though, recommend a temperature of up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. If you adjust the thermostat setting but still experience the same problem, your thermostat could be the problem. You will have to replace it.

4. Smelly Water

The tank is made with sacrificial metal. The anode rod is oxidized instead of the steel. When the metal is fully oxidized, the tank starts rusting. To address this issue, replace the anode.

Sediments may also cause water discoloration. The sediment build-up may also oxidize to cause the smell and a rusty-color. To remedy this problem, flush all water out of the tank. Then use a sodium peroxide solution and water in a ratio of 3:40 to clean the tank and the pipes.

5. Leaks

You may experience leaks in various points of your water heater. The most common issues include the following. Check out every issue for effective gas water heater repair.

  • Inlet and outlet. Check at the connection points to be sure the position leaking water. In most cases, it could be loose connections causing the leaks. If this is the case, tighten the connections.
  • Water heater tank’s base. Despite the robust reinforcements to the tank, its bottom might still have some leaks from physical damage or corrosion. If you notice any leaks here, empty the tank and repair the leak.
  • Heater drain valves. These are other common leak points. The leaks here might also be a result of a loose connection. Tighten the valves and check for leaks again. If you still find the valves leaking, replace them.
  • Pipe connection points. This is common and can be resolved by tightening the connections. However, be careful not to overdo it.
  • Pressure relief valve. In most cases, if the water pressure is too high, the pressure relief valve, vent water. This may seem like a leakage, but it is not.


Natural and propane gas has the possibility of exploding. Before embarking on repairing any issue, ensure you turn off the gas. Also, ensure that you are familiar with safe working with the gas issues.

Electric Water Heater Repair

electric water heater repair

The electric water heater looks similar to the gas water heater. Both heaters employ a storage tank and a tank jacket to store water after being heated. The steel tank jacket is insulated to keep the heated water hot. The only notable difference between the two water heaters is the heat source.

The main problem encountered with the electric water heater is reduced or no heat. A failed heating element can cause this. You may also experience this problem or other issues due to fault settings, lack of water tank maintenance, and high home water pressure, among other reasons. Check out below for further knowledge on electric water heater repair.

Before starting to work on any issue, first ensure to do the following:

  • Turn off the power. First of all, ensure you turn off the ability to provide a safe working condition. Electric water heater exhibits up to 240 volts.
  • After turning off the correct breaker in the breaker box, test all wires in your water heater to ensure that the power is off. Use a non-contact tester for this exercise.
  • Close the shutoff valve. You can locate this on the cold water pipe letting in the water above the heater tank.
  • Proceed to the next step of electric water heater repair on specific issues.

The most common issues include:

1. Lack Of Hot Water

A lack of power mainly causes no hot water. This issue can also be a result of a faulty electric thermostat or upper electric heating element.

To repair the problem, check on the circuit breaker. Reset it if it is tripped. If any fuse is blown in the breaker box, make sure you replace it. Also, check whether or not there is a continuous flow of electricity to the thermostat. If you find out the thermostat is receiving power but not working, find a new thermostat.

2. Insufficient Hot Water

You might also be experiencing reduced water hotness. This could be due to an undersized water heater, faulty heating element, or crossed hot and cold connection.

First of all, ensure to test the capacity of water that is hot. If more than 75 percent of the water is hot, you have the right-sized water heater. Check on the next pointer to determine the real source of this problem.

Next, check on the possibility of crossed hot and cold connection. Turn off the water supply, and then turn on the hot water faucet. If the water flows well, you could be having a crossed connection.

Also, check for a faulty thermostat by checking power availability in the lower heating element first and then the upper heating element. Also, check for continuity of the electricity. Clear any sediment that you might find in these elements.

If there are still issues, recheck the elements, this round beginning with the upper thermostat and then the lower thermostat. If either of the two elements is not working, you will have to replace them.

3. Overheating Issue

This is a rare problem that has its source in the temperature settings. If you have noted your water heater is overheating the water, it could be because of too high a thermostat setting.

To remedy the issue, check on both the upper thermostat and the lower one to see their temperature setting. You should ensure the thermostats are set in a range of 110 to 114 degrees Fahrenheit.

4. Decolorized Water

Smelly water can be another problem with your electric water heater. At the same time, you might also realize the water is decolorized. This problem is mainly a result of corrosion in the inner parts of your water heater system.

Also, a failing sacrificial anode might be causing the smell and the rust-colored water. Usually, if a sacrificial anode decays, it releases hydrogen. This causes an odor similar to rotten eggs.

To resolve the issue, first, flush your water heater. Next, use a solution of hydrogen peroxide to treat the tank and the pipes. Mix the solution of hydrogen peroxide and water in a ratio of 3:40. If you still experience the smell, replace the anode.

In a few cases, you might still experience the problem after these attempts. If the smell persists, change your heater’s metal inner lining with a plastic lining.

5. Noise

Noise from your water heater might be a result of boiling water. This may have been caused by overheating. Usually, the sediment build-up contributes to overheating. To address this issue, flush the entire system.

If the noise is high-pitched, it could indicate sediment build-up on the thermostat. To address this issue, flush the water heater. Then remove the scales from the elements as well as from the tank. After this, replace the heating elements with new ones having low watts.

6. Leakage Issue

There is yet another significant electric water heater repair measure you need to learn. The measure deals with leaks in your system. Just like the gas water heater, electric water heater too may have leaks. Common leaks in both water heaters happen at the inlet and outlet connections, water heater tank’s base, heater drain valves, and the pipe connection points.

Unlike the gas heater, an electric water heater may have leaks at the temperature, pressure valve, and heating elements. If leaks come from the heating element, check the element bolts if they are tight. If you still encounter this problem after tightening the element bolt, remove the element and replace the gasket.

When water heater repair involves leaks, replacements of some leaking parts are inevitable. In this case, be ready to incur extra water heater repair cost.

How Long Do Water Heaters Last

how long do water heaters last

There is a point you will reach and think of replacing your system than repairing its failing parts. Knowing how long your water heater will stay active is vital to tell what to do with your system. Tank-type water heaters will last between 10 and 15 years, with the tankless counterparts lasting up to 20 years.

Final Thought

how to repair water heater

It is easy to tell how to repair water heater, but only when you have acquired the knowledge.  This article offers all the water heater repair information you need to know. However, not all problems you should solve locally; some need technical support. Also, be careful when you resolve to fix any issues to do with your water heaters locally. At all times, employ safe practices.

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