How to Deep Clean Kitchen – Kitchen Deep Cleaning Guide 2022

It is that time of the month when you want to do kitchen deep cleaning. You are wondering where to start, what to include in your exercise, and several thoughts of how to go about the whole process. These thoughts may stall your project before even laying your hands on it. “The secret to getting ahead is getting started”– Mark Twain.

Even with the kitchen’s regular cleaning, not all dirt is removed while others accumulate in hard to reach places. Once or twice a year, you need to thoroughly clean your kitchen, which can be a nightmare and messy without kitchen cleaning hacks. And that’s why we have crafted this practical kitchen deep cleaning guide to simplify the process for you.

Whether you plan to clean it yourself or with your family members’ help, our kitchen cleaning guide will show you how to clean thoroughly. This is because we would like you to take the shortest time possible and restore your kitchen’s past shinny status when you started using it. But first, let’s start with some deep cleaning kitchen tips.

Kitchen cleaning tips & Checklist

kitchen cleaning tips

Before you embark on the cleaning process, put your safety first. There is a danger of slippage, sliding, hazardous chemicals, falls, and electrical shock. Wear protective gear and follow the instruction manual while using cleaning chemicals.

Keep the area well ventilated and lit. To prevent electrical shock, switch off, and unplug all electrical appliances in the kitchen. Avoid soapy water on the floor as this might cause slippage and sliding.

Plan carefully, have a checklist, and ensure you have the following types of equipment:

  • Dust mop
  • Bucket
  • A ladder
  • Cleaning cloths and scrubber
  • Multipurpose cleaner and oven cleaner
  • broom

It would be best if you worked efficiently and systematically, and this where a kitchen deep cleaning checklist is critical. We have prepared a standard checklist that you may adopt on how to clean a messy kitchen.

Pre Cleanup

Before you start the kitchen deep cleaning, ensure that the place is organized and you have all the types of equipment listed in the kitchen cleaning tips above.

Take about 10 minutes to sort and remove items not useful in the kitchen area. Also, remove clutter and dirty dishes. This will create more space for the actual clean up and prevent the frustration of looking for a cleaning item in the middle of cleaning.

At this point, don’t worry about cleaning the floor but put aside or remove items that might trip you.

How to deep clean kitchen walls and ceiling

Start your deep kitchen cleaning from up and work downwards. Using a dust mop, brush the ceiling and wall corners working downwards. To reach the ceiling and corners of the kitchen, use a step ladder or long handle broom.

After dusting, wipe the walls with a damp cloth. Do not forget to clean doors, air vents, framed photos, and switch plates. Remove bulbs, wipe and replace them.

As always you will not miss spills, stains, and splatter caused by foods, blenders, or cooking oil in the kitchen walls. Use a multipurpose cleaner to remove them.

Cleaning Kitchen Curtains, drapes, and blinds

After you have cleaned the ceiling and corners, take down curtains, drapes, and blinds; and wash them. Windows, too, need sprucing up. Using a wet piece of cloth, wipe window sills and corners, and then wash the inner and outer parts with soapy water.

Clean the kitchen appliances

Clean all appliances starting from the fridge, freezer to the smaller appliances. Remove everything from the freezer and fridge, sort and throw expired and unwanted food items. Wash all the shelves, drawers, and the inner parts. Clean the outer part, including coils and top part. If possible, move them aside and clean underneath too.

Next, move to the oven. Scrape fossils, and wipe grease on it. Follow the cleaning instructions on the oven and clean it very well. Cleaning stoves is not so hard. Remove knobs, spill catchers, burners, and burner covers off the stove.

It is important to follow cleaning instructions from the manufacturer. Lift or turn the stove sideways to remove crumbs and spills. With a wet cloth, wipe the stove. Repeat the same process on gas burners, electric burners, and cooktop. Wipe and clean the other smaller appliances like toasters, blenders, and microwaves.

Cleaning the Kitchen cabinets and drawers

Remove all items in the cabinets and drawers and put them on a table or worktop. Sort and remove unnecessary or misplaced items. Wash and re organize the inside part before finishing with the exterior.

The dishwasher Cleaning

Even though a dishwasher frequently uses hot soapy water, it also needs cleaning. Apart from the regular cleaning, a thorough clean-up is necessary once or twice in a year. You will require a soft bristle brush, water, baking soda, flexible wirerefrigerator, sponge, old toothbrush detergent, and stainless cleaners.

Thorough cleaning of the inside is essential after running a full cycle. Wash the racks, strainers, utensil holders, and gently scrub the inside. Use a piece of wire to unclog holes and remove debris. After cleaning the interior, scrub and wash the outer part.

Wash kitchen countertops and sink

Now move to the sinks and worktops in your kitchen, scrub and rinse them thoroughly, including the backsplashes. A piece of cloth and soapy water should be enough. You can use lemon or baking soda to eliminate foul odors in the drains and litter bin.

Different types of sinks are cleaned differently; therefore, read and follow manufacturers’ instructions. For ceramic sinks, use warm water and detergent. Scrub gently and rinse with clean water. Use bicarbonate soda to clean stainless steel and rinse with water.

How to deep clean kitchen floor

After cleaning upperparts and appliances, the last place to finish off the kitchen deep cleaning exercise is the floor. Like other items in your kitchen, the type of flooring also determines how you will clean it.

Tiled, wooden, and vinyl linoleum floors each require a specific cleaning agent. Use the appropriate cleaning chemical for your kitchen floor and clean it the way you usually do.

Generally, sweep and scoop dirt. Wipe the baseboard or floor skirting. Gently scrub the floor with a bristle brush, then mop with a rag or old towel.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Kitchen Deep Cleaning

We have brought you appropriate and easy-to-understand FAQs to guide you on the common aspects to consider when deep cleaning your kitchen.

What is included in kitchen deep cleaning?

It is important to determine the areas you will deep clean before starting the process to ensure that you don’t forget any crucial parts. What you should include in your deep cleaning are the sink, cabinets, counters, walls, floors, ceiling fan, drapes, curtains, refrigerator, freezer, pots and pans, stove, oven, and dishwasher.

How do I deep clean my kitchen?

The trick behind perfect kitchen cleaning is getting the suitable materials to clean every piece of equipment, appliances, and every area of your kitchen. Then, you should come up with a schedule to clean every part in order.

Consider starting by unplugging all equipment that uses electricity and cleaning visible substances such as food items and dust particles before thorough cleaning using soapy water. Some areas may require bleach, warm water, and other cleaning agents such as vinegar.

How much does it cost to have someone deep clean your kitchen?

The cost of deep cleaning varies depending on the service, the size of the room, and the level of grime. For instance, it will cost you about $70 to $130 to deep clean the kitchen. Some professional cleaners charge $0.10 to $0.30 per square foot.

What is the fastest way to deep clean a kitchen?

The fastest way to deep clean your kitchen is by doing it in order. Clear out the dirty dishes to give room for intense cleaning. This should take around 15 minutes. After this, focus on dusting and vacuuming the walls, ceiling fan, drapes, and curtains. Next, get to your refrigerator, oven, stove, and other appliances. Finally, you can work on the countertops sink and conclude with the floor.

How long should it take to deep clean a kitchen?

The time to deep clean a kitchen may vary depending on how messy a kitchen is. Busier kitchens shared by many people may also need more deep cleaning. Nevertheless, it should not take more than 3 hours.

How often should a kitchen be deep cleaned?

The frequency of deep cleaning in a year may depend on the traffic experienced in the kitchen. Most people deep clean once every season. On average, it is recommended to deep clean once every 3 months.

How often should kitchen floors be swept and mopped?

The kitchen floor should be swept daily. On the other hand, you should mop it once per week. However, the presence of grime might determine the frequency of mopping your kitchen floor. Once you notice grime on the floor or a significant amount of dirt, mop immediately.

Why is my kitchen floor streaky after I mop?

A streaky floor might be caused by using the wrong floor cleaner. Using dirty water might also leave your floor streaky. Another reason for a streaky floor is using too much cleaning solution and not using clean water to rinse the floor after mopping.

How do I start kitchen deep cleaning?

Start small. Begin by dusting and vacuuming the entire kitchen. Pay attention to hard-to-reach areas such as the ledges, light fixtures, ceiling fans, windows, doors and door frames, and above the cabinet. Then get to the more extensive equipment such as the cabinets and the refrigerator.

What is the best way to clean a tile kitchen floor?

Get a tile cleaner of good quality, warm water, and a clean cloth. Scrub the tile using the tile cleaner to remove dirt, grease, and stains. Then use a clean cloth and warm water to wipe the tile. Finally, use a clean tea towel to dry the tiles to give your floor a glossy professional finish.

How do I disinfect my kitchen sink naturally?

You may use baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, or vinegar. If you use the vinegar, mix it with water in a spray bottle. Mix the solution of the vinegar and water in 1:1. Then spray the sink with the solution and wipe dry. For baking soda, sprinkle a good amount of it on the sink and scrub using a damp sponge. You may add drops of hydrogen peroxide to remove stubborn stains.

Should you clean the kitchen every day?

Yes. Washing of the utensils after every use is recommended. Also, remember to wash the pans and pots after using them, wipe the counters, and sweep the floors.

Which part of the kitchen should always be clean and sanitize?

The sink, countertops, stovetop, kitchen table, dining table, and handles of the drawers, kitchen door, cabinets, and refrigerators should always be sanitized and kept clean. This is because they are the most used and touched areas.

Final Thought

Deep cleaning your kitchen is not meant to be a tiresome exercise that you will spend a whole day doing. Instead, with a good plan, suitable cleaning materials, and ideal cleaning methods, you can do it in a few minutes. So, always follow the above procedure regularly, and your kitchen will remain clean and organised all the time and the sparkling kitchen will definitely make you feel good and proud.

Also, the above FAQs are timely to help you answer the questions that have been stressing you out every time you want to undertake kitchen deep cleaning. As Andrew Zimmern observed, “everything happens in the kitchen. Life happens in the kitchen”, so more focus has to be directed to the kitchen.

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